Thursday, November 21, 2019

This is the best way to talk about being fired in a job interview

This is the best way to talk about being fired in a job interviewThis is the best way to talk about being fired in a job interviewWhy did you leave your last job?Its a question thats already hard enough to answer, but is especially uncomfortable and stressful for people who have been fired. Explaining to an interviewer that you were fired from your last job - or even the one before that - is definitely a challenge. Still, its leid an insurmountable one.Heres how to do it right, so that you can be honest about your past without letting it hold you backReckon with yourselfThis is step one coming to a place of acceptance. Getting fired is one of the most emotional, traumatic events that can happen in your career. You cant answer an interviewers questions about it until you know how to answer to yourself. Was there anything you could have done differently? Are you mad at your employer? Are you mad at yourself?All of these emotions need to be processed before you can talk to a future emp loyer about it. To deal with these emotions, career expert J.T. ODonnell suggests writing out what happened in a journal and then taking out any subjective details in your retelling. That way, you train yourself to tell your story with facts, not opinions.This is all so you can walk into an interview with a clear head and speak about your experience clearly, not with lingering bitterness and resentment.Keep it honest but keep it briefYou need to disclose but not overshare. You dont want to lie about your termination, because with a reference check or some deeper digging, your lie can easily be found out and it will diminish you in the eyes of your new employer.But you also dont need to put yourself at a disadvantage and go deep into unflattering details about what happened. A job interview is not a court of law, and you could talk yourself into a hole very easily when you think youre vindicating yourself.Youll need to tailor your response to your specific circumstance, but your answ er should explain what you learned from the experience and how its made you a better employee. By doing this, youre reframing the narrative of a negative experience into a positive one.Explaining what you learned and how youve improved shows that you can take personal responsibility for your actions and it can even showcase new skills that youve learned since your firing.Dont badmouth your employerThis is the most important rule of all. It may be tempting to clear your name by burning bridges and airing an employers dirty laundry, but this approach will backfire.Lets repeat that Talking badly about your previous employer will backfire on you. Every. Single. Time.Justification will sound like an excuse. Take the example of John Thain who could not stop himself from getting into a he said/he said war with Bank of America after he welches fired from his position as CEO of Merrill Lynch. The story became about his firing, not his accomplishments and tenure at the bank. Getting fired is a hit to your ego, but if you rail against your former employer, you will lose the industry respect needed to get a new job.By badmouthing your past employer, you are sending a message to your potential employer that you could one day speak ill of them too. Dont do this.Move onOur pasts dont have to determine our futures. Next time, youre asked the dreaded were you fired? questions, come in prepared with what youre going to say. Carry yourself with dignity. Dont talk smack about your past employers misdeeds in the belief that it will make you look better. The truth is, every employer knows that how you talk about your past employers is how you will talk about them.Be honest and brief about how your previous role ended, so that you can move on to the most important thing in an interview persuading your interviewer that youre the best candidate for the job.

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